Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Matter of Balance by W. D. Valgardson

1. What significant events or details in the story are releaved through flashbacks?

The events or details in the story are releaved through flashback are when the bikers reminded him of kids from his public school days who used to block the sidewalk. He tries to ignore the bully but the bully does not care about Harold’s feeling. This event remind him by seeing the bikers. The second events is when Harold remember when his wife was killed.

2.What inference can you make regarding the fate of Harold's wife? about the nature of illness?

Inference can I make regarding the fate of Harold’s wife is death cannot be expected and about the nature of his illness, he still cannot forget about his wife death.

3.From the beginning of the story, Harold's behaviour is motivated by feelings of uneasiness. How does the author develop these feelings?

The author develop uneasiness in Harold's behavior is when he was not comfortable seeing the two bikers.Harold felt contempt and fear. Then, the blond biker raised his hand and pointed two fingers like a pistol and pretended to shoot him. After that, the blond biker already coming down the cliff, while the other one blocked off the path and the biker take out a knife.

4.How does Harold rationalize his leaving the bikers in such a dangerous position? What other reasons he might have? Do you think his actions are justified? Discuss.

Harold leaving the bikers in such dangerous position because the bikers can attack him after Harold help the biker. The other reason he might have is if he think about his past. He don’t want to help a person who had disturb him. I think Harold actions are justified because if I was on his shoes, I will think about myself and my family safety. I become selfish for a moment because I have responsible to take care about myself.

5.Comment on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the title. 

My comment on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the title is that our past helps us to make decisions about our future. In the story, Harold recalls him past experience as well as memories to make a decision. He had many adversities in his life from being bullied in the school yard to his wife is dying, which were all factors in him deciding wheather or not to save his attackers.

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